Monday, March 10, 2008

In Randy Moss I Trust

In the words of the infamous Randy Moss, "straight cash, Homey". As you can see everything has clearly hit the fan, as I'm using Randy Moss as the wordsmith of investing.......

The market's performance over the last few months has been unmentionable and hopefully forgettable.

As most investors, I'm getting defensive. I'm looking for income and export influenced equities. I recently purchased a small amount of Thornburg Mortgage (TMA) as the companies stock has dropped 80% is the last week, yielding an inflated 55%. I'm also looking into a few REIT's, thats right - "In today’s environment, that’s like saying you’re a sex offender — there isn’t a “good kind.”"

Times are tight, and the Fed isn't really helping the situation. I'm not a Monday Morning quarterback, so I'll stop there.


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